Tuesday, April 14, 2009

About Forwrrrd

About The Blog:
The Forwrrrd Blog was created on April 14th, 2009. Forwrrrd is a blog about: activism, diy, equal rights, feminism, human rights, riot grrrl, women's rights, and other similar topics.
Forwrrrd also includes some of my online collections on the above subjects such as: online interviews I've done, emails, myspace messages, writings by me and other people, old website collections, and other online things I've received, regarding the above topics. Some stuff in this blog will be pertaining to my Riot Grrrl Online website. However, this blog is not part of the RGO website, but it does have the same concepts as RGO. Contributions to this blog are always welcome from anyone.

Purpose Of The Blog:
Forwrrrd exists to...
-teach others about activism, diy, equal rights, feminism, human rights, riot grrrl, women's rights, and similar topics.
-pull in people who don't identify themselves as "activists", "feminists", or "riot grrrls", but are interested in the topics discussed in this blog.
-be an online community where others can participate by commenting on entries and/or contributing articles/essays/etc.
-encourage others to be interested in some of the topics or all of the topics this blog is about.

About The Author:
My name is Greta and I run the "Forwrrrd" blog. I am also the creator of the Riot Grrrl Online website. I also administrate the Turpentine Forums. I also moderate a forum: Grunge Forum and I only moderate 2 boards on the Free Kurtney Nation: Sassy And Punk Forum. I created the Portal:Feminism on Wikipedia and the Feminism Task Force on Wikipedia. If you want to find out more about me, please visit my Blogger Profile, which is on the right hand sidebar of this blog under "About Me".